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What are the core reasons PRP injections for orthopedic intervention fail at times?

PRP injections are gaining tremendous popularity and it is all because they are very effective. However, this wasn’t the case always and in early 90s there were only a handful of Naturopathy Clinics in Langley that would offer this treatment to their patients. However now, there are hundreds of naturopaths and physicians in the region that recommend PRP over other treatments. This happened when the treatment was understood better and so did its inherent benefits. Physicians know how well it would work on a wide range of diseases, skin, hair, tissue, and other concerns.

What is PRP?
PRP treatment is a great aid in treating a wide range of problems and diseases. It provides the right help for wound healing in trauma and joint injury. It stands for Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. PRP injections are made from your blood after it is drawn from the body, centrifuged, and plasma is separated from it. The platelets when administered in the affected area, expedite the natural healing process of the body and offers quick results. The success rate of PRP is pretty high and it is also very effective in treating baldness, excessive hair fall, skin issues, and wounds that do not heal on their own.
There are hundreds of successful PRP treatment cases recorded in files of different naturopathic clinics but yet, at times, the treatment fails and there is no denying the fact.
Why does this happen? the reputed naturopathic services Langley providers come together to answer this question. There are several reasons a very reliable PRP injection may fail and here are a few of them.
Improper selection of patients
No matter the efficiency and effectiveness, there are limitations of PRP treatment and it must be understood. It is to some extent a universally accepted application for treatment but not in all cases. PRP injection may fail in certain cases and may be not beneficial at all. The most common reason behind it is the wrong selection of the patients.
It is important to choose the right patient and problem. If you administer a PRP injection to a patient with an ankle sprain, it would do more harm than good. The tissue-breaking nature of PRP can create more problems on an ankle that is overstretched or torn. The best naturopath Langley BC would recommend other measures such as an ice pack to tame the injury and then decide the future course of action.
PRP injections are effective for chronic wounds and injuries that fail to heal themselves. So, it is best if the choice of patient is done mindfully.
The wrong combination of drugs
Treating patients with pain and emergency injuries & problems is a trauma handling job and often such patients are offered a high aesthetic, pain killer or steroid to control the pain and problem. This is where things go wrong as these substances harm the internal balance of the body and can lead to contaminating the stem cells. Combining PRP with steroids, anesthetics or drugs is a poor choice and it is best to wait until the effects wear off. PRP may have limited capabilities when they are administered in a body or part of the body under the effects of steroids, anesthetics, or drugs.
Ignoring the need for rehab
PRP has been an excellent treatment for sports injuries and injuries of other natures. However, this treatment needs a follow-up plan and it comes with a proper rehab session. The better you combine it with physical therapy, the better results you can expect. where most of the naturopathic clinics in Langley go wrong is when they consider PRP as an alternative to physical therapy. PRP must be closely followed with physical therapy sessions to gain the maximum benefits.
Choosing the wrong dose
It is very important that you choose the best naturopath Langley BC for your PRP treatment as they would know the right dose of PRP for effective treatment. In several cases, it has been recorded that PRP treatment failed because the physician failed to identify the right dose for the treatment. Any dose below 3X platelet concentration is under dosing and it needs to be made clear. As per studies, a minimum of 1,000,000 platelets/µl is needed for optimal therapeutic benefits.
Treating PRP as just another injectate
The best naturopathic services Langley would never do that. They would understand the difference between PRP injections and other injections or drug-based treatments. All the drugs, medication and surgery associated with modern sciences are aimed at treating the pain and the problem at hand. However, nothing goes beyond that and focuses on the source of the problem but PRP does. When physicians look at PRP injections with the same approach, things go wrong. You cannot expect the symptoms to go away as soon as you inject the PRP injection. Instead, you must give PRP time to start the healing, which is what it does best. PRP boosts the natural ability of the body to heal itself. The best naturopath in Langley BC would first identify the source of the symptoms and then work on it with PRP.
Focusing exclusively on relieving pain
PRP injections must not be used as a pain relieving tool. Instead, it is the right approach to treat a wide range of problems including but not limited to wound healing, skin aging reversal, wrinkle correction, dry eye syndrome, nerve regeneration, bone union, hair regeneration, and even women’s fertility restoration and strengthening the uterus.
PRP has a lot of potentials when it is treated right. There are a lot of reasons why PRP injections would fail and they all are based on human error. If you want to maximize the benefits of PRP, it is best to consult with the best naturopath Langley BC. The professional will have the right knowledge, credentials, and experience to suggest you the best treatment and also the ability to decline your request for PRP if you aren’t the right candidate.


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